You Are Equipped

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I'm writing this to you because God has put me into this position, not by my own will or my own volition, only God. But let me be clear, this doesn’t mean I sat back and did nothing, I had to work for it. You may ask, if God put me here then why did I have to work for it? Why did I have to make an effort to get to where I am now?

            Ask yourself another question. If He put me in this position shouldn’t He have equipped me? Yes, He did equip me, but it didn’t mean I never worked for it. In fact, He has equipped all of us and it is up to us use what He has given. If I’m already equipped how do I know? Simple, His Word, which is also known as the sword of the Spirit. He gave us His Word and it is up to us to ready ourselves. He has given us armor that we must put on ourselves not God, He cannot do it for you. He only provided the equipment for us to use. It is our responsibility to understand and know how to use it. 

'All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.'

II Timothy 3:16-17

            God provides the Word and it’s our duty to understand, and when we understand, it is then when He will put us in the fire. We must go through a purification process with our armor in order to be prepared for what God has called you too. The more times you're put into the fire the more the amor becomes stronger. But this process doesn't stop there, in order to solidify the process of the fire it's to be submerged in water. That water is God's Word. 

            You see, God has given me this position, He has equipped me, and I took and put it on. I've had to struggle, endure pain, and loss to get me prepared and get me here in this position. I had to go through His Holy Fire, His purification process in order to fortify the armor that He has given. I had to be submerged in His Word to grow deeper in understanding and by understanding I gained an insight to what I am called to do. The more times you go into the fire the keener your spiritual ears will be to knowing God's voice. Jesus said that His sheep will know His voice. But we must continue to be ready for the next step. We must know that in order to get to the place God has appointed you with, there is work that needs to be put in. 

'My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. '

John 10:27

            This purification process is essential and cannot be skipped. I have seen many people try to skip this and go right to a place they are called or think they are called. We must not skip our training. How can we know our assignment if we don't have the right equipment? In Proverbs 9:10 it says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." God tells us here very clearly that in order to have wisdom we must first have knowledge which will bring us to understanding His Word and in result use our understanding to gain knowledge through having a reverence (Holy Fear) for God. But it doesn't stop there, you must then apply it to your life in order to obtain wisdom. To put this into a clearer perspective, you can't have wisdom without knowledge, but you can have knowledge and lack wisdom. You can read and know Gods Word, but without application you are being fullish. If you are not called to an office that is appointed for someone else because of your own desires, you are causing another to wait when they are ready to be put into that position.  

            If God is calling you into a position where others will watch and hear you, you must first go through a period of growth before you are to step into your roll. Even if you are not to be in front of a congregation, people still watch and hear. People are always watching whether you like it or not. But, if you are called to be a mouthpiece of God, it is imperil you do not try to skip the period of growth, don't. You are just doing an injustice to others 

'an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having the form of knowledge and truth in the law. You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal, do you steal? '

Romans 2:20-21

            Once you step into that position, the process doesn't stop, you have made it into deeper level in your faith and there is more grown within the place God has put you. It is never ending until you are called home. God will always equip the ones who have a reverence (Holy Fear) and use His Word to equip themself. Putting that armor on and going through the fire is a daily battle and people tend to forget that. It's not about going to church once or twice a week and your good. It's an everyday thing that must take place in your home, because what is done in the dark God will bring it to the light.

 'For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.'

Luke 12:2-3

            Again, I am here simply by the grace of God. If you would have asked me 3 years ago if I would be here, I would simply laugh because I'm too young. But my husband recently reminded me that wisdom doesn't always come with age because age if just a number. If you instill your faith on the Word of God and apply it to your life you are already wise. I have always felt I would be in a place where I would be teaching and giving the Word to others, I just never knew how God was going to place me. I questioned His will and doubted my capability to do what was ask of me. God is still throwing me into the fire, but now I have come into my own. I have finally decided to declare victory over my fears.     

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            If you think you’re too young or too old remember age is just a number. God uses anyone, we just have to be willing to be used and willing to go through a process to prepare us. 

This new year is a year prodigals will come home, prophets will arise, testimonies shared and rival throughout our land. God has equipped us, it's right in front of us, its possibly sitting on your nightstand collecting dust. I encourage you this year to change that, step up to the call on your life wherever that may be, let God use you and once you get there keep allowing God to grow you there and go deeper in your faith. You may have lost faith in the Promise once given long ago and haven't seen it come to pass. You see, my mother is a testimony to this. she was given a promise of ministry so long ago and now in her mature years she is seeing what God has called her for. almost 40 years later. God is a God of promise, if He speaks it, then this means it's guaranteed, but only in His time. 

'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”'

Joshua 1:9



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