About the Book

Chasing God’s heart was a book born in my heart many years ago because of the passion to know God and to serve Him in all I do. Not knowing my life was full of testimonies of how He was there in every situation and trial that has taught me so much and continues to this day.

With the desire to dive deeper, one day, I said, “Chasing God’s Heart is a lifetime of running after Him and wanting to know more.” Little did I know that’s when my journey of writing began.

I sat down, looked at the computer screen, and asked God, “What do I write about?” The Lord answered, “Write about your life and how I walked with you.”

In what seemed like seconds, the Lord reminded me of events in my life and how He was there every step of the way. As I started writing, the words ministered to me. It felt like God was sitting next to me and talking, reminding me that these events made me the woman I am today in Him.

Every chapter contains its own story. From the I AM to The Hem of the Master. God showed up in every life moment. God showed His love for me with every word written, and I pray it reveals that you’re not alone, even when it feels like it. This book was a gift given to me, and I desire to share it with you and pray it ministers to you just as it did to me.

-Luz Martinez

Author Luz Martinez

The Journey

Serving the Lord for most of my life has been a journey. Never in a million years did I think I could write a book. Many years later the Lord said to me, "Write" and I said what would I write about? He answered, "your life". When I decided to write something the pages were filling up without me noticing. Every time I took time to write the Lord would remind me of things, and events in my life that took place, and when I recognized He was always there walking with me; sometimes in silence and sometimes as loud as a trumpet. I always asked who would read my book. I discovered my book (me) would be invited to a lonely women's home or to a Mom with a crisis with her teen or one young mom who feels desperate and didn't find a solution to her troubles. As I write, I also learn that grace and mercy have always been there for me. God uses his vessels for his glory; we are just tools of the Master.