Catch Me If You Can Pt.3

It's essential to remember that God's timing is perfect. His process is divinely ordered and every encounter, whether fleeting or enduring, serves a purpose in preparing you for that special connection. By going through the process of God’s way, it would highlight a remarkable journey as that of a pearl, diamond, or ruby from its formation to transformation into a dazzling gem that would adorn the arms of your mate both monetary, sentimental and of spiritual value. Allow God to authenticate you for your mate and you are definitely backed by an irrefutable and authentic God.

As a single woman, I pray that you continue your journey, maintain your faith and trust in God's plan. Just as the con artist in "Catch Me If You Can" eventually faces the consequences of his actions. Individuals who are meant to be together will find their way to each other, guided by God’s divine wisdom and intervention.

This excerpts from the book, Single, Married, Separated & Life after Divorced (a great literary addition) by the late great Dr. Myles Monroe quotes on God’s view of singleness that in “Genesis 2:18, did God say it is not good for a man to be single, no He said it is not good that the man should be alone. God had no problem with the man's separateness, his uniqueness, or his wholeness. As a matter of fact, Adam did not know that he was alone. God's statement was predicated on his own observation of the situation on His wisdom. The implication is that Adam was so totally unique and so whole that he did not miss anybody. Eve was an interruption and that she was. I am sure the preparation for a man finding his mate is similar, however by him being dubbed as the head, he is upheld to a greater preparation and accountability.

Throughout this process, it's crucial for us as single women to focus on our own personal spiritual growth and self-discovery. Like the protagonist in the movie, who constantly reinvents himself, you can use this time to become the best version of yourself, making you more appealing for the soul mate you desire.  Attraction is not only in the sense of visage but mind, body, and spirit. Knowing who you are is the first step to wholeness, and accepting your future mate is the second step.

Now there may be qualities or attributes that you may not possess, nevertheless our loving Father knows how to balance it out between the two of you at the divine appointed time.  The search for a soul mate isn't solely about the destination; it's also about your consistent purposeful journey with God.



Each dating experience, every heartbreak, and every moment of anticipation contributes to your growth and wisdom, preparing you for the profound connection you desire. You should have a positive and meaningful story to tell when you relate to the next generation. We should look towards leaving a legacy to our sons and daughters in assuring the next generations succeeds in pursuit of Godly ways and not godlessness to finding a mate… I know there are still real love stories that make you go… aaaah.

In the end, a woman's faith, patience, and perseverance is rewarded. The moment when she and her soul mate finally find each other would feel like the culmination of a thrilling chase, like catching lightning in a bottle. It's a moment where two hearts align, guided by God's purpose, and they recognize that they were meant to be together.

The love that blooms from this connection is grounded in faith, trust, and a shared journey. Just as the movie's story unfolds with a sense of closure, he learned the hard way with being left with a lot of wasted time, lost relationships, and a defaulted state of living in a destiny, perhaps that may not have been purposed for him.  So, it is when a woman and her soulmate embark on their own journey together, guided by their shared beliefs and the knowledge that they have found each other as part of God's divine plan.

Lastly, the chase is over, and what remains is a profound love story that testifies to the beauty of God's purpose in bringing two souls together. The woman's waiting and preparation were not in vain; they were essential steps in the extraordinary journey that led him to his soul mate in finding her.  

Finally, if you are single and do not want to live in this being for the rest of your life for a marriage to succeed in God, or if you do not want to get married or whatever state of being you’re in; then devote yourself too truly being single. Either way, I encourage you to stand on one of the best promises in the word of God in Matthew 6:33 (ESV) But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

We thank you for keeping up with the Three part series. May God get all the glory. -Amen


Carline J. Bido, 

"Building a community for Better Living"


The Way We Were


Catch Me If You Can Pt.2