The Way We Were

Ephesians 2:2

“In which you previously walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.” 

“The way we were when Jesus was not in our hearts.” 

A phrase that should be a question to make us reflect on our lives without Jesus. For me, it was empty and without purpose, and I had the same routine every day. There was nothing wrong with it, but in the end, there were no aspirations, dreams, or goals. And, even before then, God knew us before we were born. He knew every step we would take, whether in error or success. He even knew when we were going to take those steps toward Jesus. 

There will come a time in everyone's lives when the realization of the mundaneness of our lives has taken you. With that realization, you tell yourself, “Something has to change” (a step toward Jesus).  Make small changes like breaking habits, changing your friend circle, and maybe changing your wardrobe style. These changes feel good, but still, you feel something is missing. 

We don’t come to God on our own. The Holy Spirit brings us to Him by way of seeds. Those seeds of anyone who speaks of Jesus planted themselves in your heart and lay dormant until you choose to let them grow (with the help of the Holy Spirit). The Word says no one will come to the Father unless the Spirit brings them near. So, in that moment when you said there needs to change, The Holy Spirit took that opportunity to tug on your heart, germinate those dormant seeds, and encourage you to seek more. It’s here, the beginning of spiritual change, on the verge of rebirth. 

With the Holy Spirit at work in you already, next comes conviction. Those first steps toward Jesus are the hardest and scariest steps to take. But I promise you, those would be the best steps you will ever take. In the middle of all this, the enemy sees you and wants to keep you in darkness. So he does what he knows, throws the world at you, causing a tug-o-war effect.

The steps to becoming a better version of yourself start with conviction. How much do we really want it? The world tugs at you, but you don't understand what is happening.

Ultimately, heaven celebrates when you say yes to Jesus and complete the transformation you’ve been seeking. What a joy! You have been reborn and grafted into the Body of Christ with an assurance of eternity with the Father. But the journey doesn't stop there. 

Romans 12:2

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” 

Renewal of your mind is now a part of your daily life. Every day, the world will still be screaming for you, enticing you to come back but remember you have been born again, and the enemy has no hold on you. Why? Because you have a whole army of angels behind you and the Holy Spirit in you. As you continue your walk with Jesus, you will realize you are not the person you once were. Praise God! The old you has died, and the new you has arose. 

What a beautiful thing to know that God was right there, orchestrating every move and step in making a way to Him. What a story to tell, your testimony. As you grow in Him and deepen the relationship, the Lord will always continue to work in you, change you, and direct you. The Holy Spirit is in you, sealed you. I encourage you to continue forward, stay sensitive to the Spirit, and let Him prepare you while you walk towards the call He has placed over you. 

This metamorphosis can take a lifetime or a few months. For me, it took 17 years of my life. Everyone’s testimony is unique, but remember, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom.


Written by: Luz Martinez


Catch Me If You Can Pt.3