The Oil That Never Stops

Sanctified, set apart for a holy purpose. Oil, a representation of the Holy Spirit. What a powerful thing it is to know we are set apart, anointed, and empowered with authority. God has given us power and it's our job to keep His power flowing; the oil that never stops. 

 It's time to prepare, for the oil is flowing, coming in strong. Now is time to remain sanctified. Our vessels must be empty of all selfish desires so it may flow continually. Overflowing and saturating the ground around you. We must be spiritually aware, we must put aside our selfish desires; our motives, always being ready. How can we remain prepared?

Diving into the Word, continually seek His presents. Let the Words of truth consume you. But there are a few with a special anointing, A few that when they speak the word of God flows. No one teaches them this wisdom, for the Spirit knows all things. 

 1John 2:27

"But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and it is true, and not a lie, and just as it was taught you, you will abide in Him."

 Have you ever spoke with someone and as they spoke you felt your spirit tremble? Have you ever had someone reach out with a Word and it just calls out all you have been asking God for? The wisdom they have is supernatural, the oil that never stops.

 Everyone wants to be used by God until He calls you out of your comfort zone. Coming up with excuse after excuse saying that is not me, I don't have that gift, or I can't stand up and talk to people, the list goes on. I'm here to remind you. If He has called you out, you are equipped.


He would not have if you were not ready. You may not feel ready, but God will always see something in you that is hidden in you. So, the next time He calls, close your eyes, and say, "yes Father, I am yours, though I cannot see I know you won't Lead me to destruction."

Proverbs 1:7

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

Moving forward starts with fearing the Lord, but not being afraid of God, but having the utmost respect in knowing we cannot see what He sees. Having the understanding and willing to be empty is the beginning of knowledge, letting God pour into you.  

Take a closer look at the second part of the verse. Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Look at the word fool, its someone who lacks knowledge. You cannot gain wisdom and accept instruction without knowledge. Without it, wisdom may not make sense, have no understanding. This is dangerous because now it leaves room for interpretation. Without His knowledge, we are Just fools walking about babbling. Let's not be fools, move forward in understanding, openness, willingness to let God pour His Holy Oil and let it continue, never ending.

I encourage you, if you have been afraid to move forward, surrender it to God. Sometimes it's harder to let go then to let God lead. I encourage you to stop saying,  it's not me, it not my call." open your heart and let the oil flow. Now is the time to let go.


God’s Peace


Servants Heart