Servants Heart

Mathew 20: 27-28

27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Are you seeking to serve God or are you seeking attention and position, and yearning for the spotlight?

You can fool the world but you can never fool God. He sees past the surface and knows the truth behind the act.

The church of God is always growing, always needing people to serve. Are you wanting to serve in the church to fill a need or fill your ego? You can fool the pastor and leaders of the church, but God can never and will never be fooled. The truth will eventually be revealed and the wolves in sheep's clothing will eventually be unmasked. As high as they are soaring the greater their fall will be. My prayer to God always is for him to help me to always keep a servant's heart. For my pride to never get to my head. That I never think myself greater than my creator. I always tell God I don't want titles,I just want to serve.

Philippians q 2:3-5 “3 Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. 4 Don’t just think about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and in what they are doing. 5 Your attitude should be the kind that was shown to us by Jesus Christ”.

I love this living bible version, it starts with, don't be selfish wow, that's harsh! Look into your heart, is your intention to serve out of selfish reason? Or out of a need to serve and worship God?Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. It's human nature to want attention, since we were babies we craved attention. We cried for attention, it's part of who we are. But don't let that need for attention get to your head and heart. Don't let it tarnish that which God has given you. Never forget we are but vessels in the potter's hand. We are fragile and empty of our own strength, but mighty in God. Seek to always have that servant heart, guard it. Remember to always stay humble no matter what position God may bring you to, never forget that it is God working through you, and you are nothing without him.

Mathew 23:12 “For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” You don't need to worry about qualifications. God is not looking to see how much education you have, how pretty you are or how beautiful you sing. Ask God to show you, he just wants you to give yourself completely to him without reservations. God I will serve you but only in the children's ministry, God I will serve you but only here in the background where no one sees. Yeah they're some people who don't want the spotlight, they're hands tremble when they go in front of people. I will be the first to confess that my voice and hands get shaky when I get in front of people to speak. I'm not comfortable, my mouth gets dry and I forget more than half of the things I wanted to say. But who am I to give God limitations?

He created me, he's my maker and therefore he's the one that sets my limits, he's the one that is going to tell me to go here and not there. Are you telling God where you are better serving? Or are you letting God guide you and show you where you will flourish in him. It's good that you want to serve and have a serving heart. But it's also important to be led by the spirit. Let me take a minute now and talk to Leaders. If you're a leader looking to fill a need inside your ministry ask God to give you vision, ask God to show you those who have the servant heart. It's easy to be fooled by appearances. But if you let God guide you he will bring to you those he had called.

2 Samuel 26:7 “ But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Samuel was looking at Jesse's son's searching, for who among them was going to be anointed as king. God didn't tell Samuel a name, He didn't say "Go to Jesse house and anoint David as king" he just told him to go to Jesse house and Samuel took the horn with oil and one by one he put the horn over Jesse's son's head but the oil wouldn't flow. Why didn't it flow? They looked the part, they had stature even Samuel was fooled and said surely this one is. Samuel looked around and saw no more son's left to put the horn of oil over. He felt confused for a minute, questioning why God told him to come here and anoint a king, but here I am doing what God told me but the oil isn't flowing. Wow, think about that for a second, the oil didn't flow because the chosen one wasn't in position. Ask yourself now, is the oil flowing in your ministry, in your church? Because if it's not flowing freely there's someone out of place, that needs to be put IN place. When Samuel saw that the oil didn't flow he didn't get mad and left, he didn't blame God. He knew Without a doubt that God had called him to that place. So he asked Jesse if he had another son and that is when Jesse called for David. Samuel was not going to move from where he was until the oil flowed.

As leaders we can't let ourselves be fooled by outward appearance, because our ministry would suffer if the wrong people are put in place because we didn't seek God's guidance. The oil only flowed, the horn seal didn't break until Samuel put the horn under the head of David. That was the sign that it was David that was the right son. The one that wasn't even in the room when Samuel arrived. He was the one chosen to be the next king of Israel. Samuel had to wait for David to be called to the house. As leaders sometimes we want to fill a position quickly because we see the need. Just remember that God also sees that need, and he's already preparing the person that will fill that role. Will you be patient enough to wait? Or are you going to let yourself be led by appearances and put someone in place that instead of helping God's anointing to flow will be a seal that will keep the oil from flowing. Ask God to open your spiritual eyes so you can see the chosen, the one's whose horn oil has been poured over them, the ones who will flow in God's anointing.

Dear Jesus, I ask you this day to give us a servant's heart. That we may become a vessel for your glory. That you bring us to the position we are meant to be so we can be oil flowers and not stoppers. May your will and not ours be done in our lives and in our ministries. In Jesus name I pray.



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