God’s Peace

“I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27 NLT)

What does that peace look like in today's world? Each one of us at some time or another will face a challenge of some kind. Either you have just come out of one, you're in one now or you will be in one in the future. When these challenges or hardships arrive, how we respond says a lot about our character. Whether we realize it or not we have a sphere of influence and our response can send a powerful message to the world about the goodness of God.

There was a time in my life about a year ago where I had to make a choice- be troubled and afraid or trust God and draw out the peace He has already given. 

My husband was moving furniture and dropped the edge of our couch on his foot. His throbbing toes soon subsided and he continued moving.  A few days later he was walking the dog and felt stabbing pain under his foot. He took off his shoes and saw a blister between his 3rd and 4th toe and blood on his sock. As we assessed the situation we decided it would be ok and heal on its own.

It did not.

Within a couple of days he was checked into the hospital fighting for his life. His foot had become so badly infected and the infection had spread throughout his body. His sugar was over 500 with his A1C being a 14 (Normal is around 6). He was a diabetic and didn’t know it. This is why his foot would not heal. I witnessed his toe turn completely black. Several attempts with surgeries were made to save the foot.

I had to take a leave of absence to stay with John. Meanwhile my husband's business which required extensive traveling plummeted. I lived in the hospital for weeks. One day I stepped out for  a quick lunch when I got the call.

It was John. “Honey….they have to amputate my toe and part of my foot.”

I remember being in a drive through with cars honking at me from behind. “Wait…what?”  Time stopped, tears trickled and my heart sank. I pulled out of the drive through and cried. I had a decision to make. Be troubled and afraid or allow God’s peace to rule the circumstances. John needed me to be strong and full of faith and that’s exactly what I was going to do.

It is possible to have peace. Even when you don’t understand. I chose peace. I trusted God. Was it easy? No, but God doesn't lie. If the Word says He left me Peace then He did and I was going to take it. Peace like the world gives is a peace that depends on your circumstances. Peace that Jesus gives is a peace despite any circumstance. It’s knowing that I can ALWAYS find a reason to praise Him. When I do, the peace I have is drawn out and gives me strength. 

That peace was everything. Knowing we were LOVED by God. Assured of His love and acceptance. Peace that He was with us and guiding the doctors. Peace that we would get through this and it would be a testimony. I’m happy to say John is doing great today! He’s working again and active in church. We never freaked out. We never were the victims. We trusted God and had peace. Remember the peace Jesus gave is a gift. What do you do when you get a gift? You TAKE it. That’s your part. Receive the gift by faith. Then you thank God for it and trust Him. I know this works because I have experienced this and other things where I allowed God’s peace to rule in my heart.

Thank you God for the gift of peace.


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