The Season Of Change

There is always a season. It's a continual change that happens, and with each term, something new comes from it. This past September we joined Sanctuary Chruch Orlando in the women’s Conference in Wimauma, Florida, called “She Fights”. As we gathered with the expectation, the power of God moved mightily as we witnessed something beautiful take place. Watching women exhibit love for their creator. The atmosphere was so thick with His Presence that you couldn't just sit and watch in silence. There was a sense of surrender all around. Women came from all over Florida, under one roof to worship the King. 

It's such an amazing sight to watch women come together in unison and submission to let God work through them. Touching everyone around. So, Whichever season you find yourself in remember that change comes from it whether you feel it or not. But know every need will be met when you put in at the feet of Jesus. 

Matthew 18:20

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
There are four points when it comes to gathering together: worship, fellowship, breakthrough, and discipleship. When worshiping under one accord, there is so much power in it. The heavens open up, bringing renewal to a weary heart, to a mother looking for answers or rejoicing in victory. However, there is a unique feeling when we gather to worship together. 

Psalms 51:10

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

The second point is fellowship. It's one of the most important pillars of faith. The purpose of fellowship is the reason why Paul told the church in Corinth to be of one mind and one accord. To be at peace with others, bringing glory to God in their victories or requests. When one is in need, others come together to encourage and pray with or for them.

The third point is breakthrough. What happens when we break something? We’re trying to release what’s inside. When we have a breakthrough in our life, we are breaking out of the old and welcoming something new, bringing a change of mind and attitude. Be Holy because I am Holy, says the Lord; we seek this Holiness wholeheartedly, and breakthrough comes into our lives. As we follow Christ, our goal is to seek breakthroughs in every area of our lives and to be in His will, we must be made new daily.

Last and foremost is discipleship. We learn, listen, and follow Christ. As we step into that new season, it is our job to teach others the keys to having a life that pleases God. Become teachers first when we experience firsthand God's grace. Allowing us to be mentors to others and multiplying the Kingdom one woman at a time. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1

“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven” Our Personal Experiences

Luz Martinez:

What this lady's conference meant to me. For me, every opportunity I can get for renewal is essential for my growth. Expectations are high, knowing God will not let me down. From the Spoken word to worship and the message given, the Holy Spirit was there in a powerful way, and it was felt all throughout the room.

Expectations are high, knowing God will not let me down. From the Spoken word to worship and the message given, the Holy Spirit was there in a powerful way, and it was felt all throughout the room.

Seeing women totally surrendering to God with no reservations was contagious. The ladies around me in front and back all became one in spirit. The experience goes beyond the wall of the room as we talk about what God has done, what He has confirmed, and the breakthrough seen. All this takes me back to my beginnings in the Lord, where the theme was staying in your first love. Christ. The simplicity of it all resonated loudly, and I thank God for all my breakthroughs through my 44 years in the Lord.  Remembering the humble spirit that moved mountains with a simple prayer and God's answers every time. Knowing that God walked with me then, still does today, and will walk with me until I walk into heaven. prayer, and God answers every time. I thank God for the women in my life, the ones that came and went through the years, and my nieces, my daughter, and my Pastor's wife.  Knowing that God walked with me then, still does today, and will walk with me until I walk into heaven. I thank God for the women in my life, the ones that came and went through the years, and today, I have my nieces, my daughter, and my Pastor wife as I welcome my new season. 

I am a testimony of what God can do, I am humbled and forever grateful.

Luz Irizarry: 

When I say I came with excitement, I meant it but underestimated how powerful my experience came out to be. It all started a whole week earlier during a Sunday service. During the worship, I noticed the atmosphere was changing rapidly and felt an urgency something very important was going to happen. The pastor's wife was up by the altar praying and worshiping when a woman came up and started praying and ministering to her. Within moments, my mother was at my side telling me we needed to go up to pray over the pastor's wife. I was holding my 3-month-old and walked up to the front. I was shaking, and in the pit of my stomach, I knew something powerful was coming. I stood in front of her, and as soon as I put my hand on her head, it all came out. It took so much out of me. This moment brought a change in me I never knew I needed.

Moving into the women’s conference. It was the morning of the second day. The worship was so powerful we never moved on to the message. Women all over were experiencing breakthroughs. I was standing, witnessing everything, when in a moment, my mother, cousins, and I surrounded my niece, and intersection began. It was powerful, an experience I have never felt. It was yet another change in me, not knowing I needed it. What a beautiful change. 

After everything had happened, I finally sat down, and it came time for the final part of the conference. The women were to walk through a tunnel as leaders anointed and prayed over 800 women. I held my daughter. After walking through, I sat down and just started to cry. I was full of gratitude it overwhelmed me. I was holding a promise he once gave me long ago. Again, it brought a change in me that I didn't know I needed. In all this, God showed me the simplicity of surrender and obedience. The fellowship of others in Christ and how we are all connected. God is so good. 

Freedom Is The Result

2 Corinthians 3:17 

“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Freedom is a promise to all who profess their faith in Christ. The reality is it changes more than just one person. It changes us and generations to come. The conference became an aha moment for many women; there were callings confirmed, ministries aligned, and clarity became the goal. Our freedom to become what God has called us to be. The change in us we experienced will live in us and generations to come. At the moment of clarity, He opens the door, and it is up to us to accept the invitation to be the vessel He has prepared. Every woman at the event had their own aha moment. Now, it’s time to move forward as God walks alongside you and me. We will move mountains, break chains, and claim our victory. Freedom is the result of a humbled and surrendered heart.

Co-Written by

Luz Martinez: President

Luz Irizarry: Vice President


The Way You Were


Dear Mothers, From Your Village