The Way You Were

Ephesians 2:2

“The way we were when Jesus was not in our hearts” 

This should be phrased as a question to make us reflect on our lives without Jesus. For me, my life was empty and without purpose. I went to school, and did assignments. Everyday was the same routine and I didn't see anything wrong. But there was no aspiration, no dreams or goals. But God said He knew us before we were born.

There is a time when everything you do is so mondaine and you come to realize, "something has to change ''. It’s in these moments you begin to make changes of certain habits, change the way you dress and speak, and choose to disassociate with people and places you used to regularly visit. When these changes happen you feel something is missing that you cannot achieve on your own. 

We don’t come to God on our own. It's the Holy Spirit who brings us to Him. You see, that moment when you said,  "there's got to be change in me" was the moment the Holy Spirit tugged your heart to seek for more. We all go through these scenarios at one point in our lives. But it’s just the beginning of that change we all want.

The steps to become a better version of yourself starts with conviction. How much do we really want it? Is it a true change you seek? The world tugs at you but you don't understand what is happening. You begin to look in many directions but the Holy Spirit continues to tug and guide. 

Romans 12:2

“And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” 

Renewal of Your Mind

Something is happening within us and it's ok if you don't understand. Time goes by and we realized " I'm not the way I was." God is right there orchestrating every move because now we are vulnerable enough to allow these changes to take over. It amazes me how God works in our lives even before we came to Him. Through His mercy and grace He was still there with you and I. This is how we all started. We needed change and that one decision, though it seems small at the moment, made the most impact on the path of our lives. All it takes is a willing heart. 

There is no timeline on this process. It can take a lifetime to come to Christ. The only thing that matters is you ran to the Father. Time doesn't matter to God. Whether you have been a christian most of your life or you recently came to Christ in your older years means nothing. All that matters is that you are now part of the Body. There are no merit points you must earn or things you must do to “catch up” with those who have been in Christ longer. Everyone's path to Christ is different, unique. The uniqueness is there for a purpose and that is for your testimony. If everyone had the same testimony, those who heard it may not connect with it. Hear it and come to Christ.

Not everyone's testimony is “impressive”. But remember, what you walked and testify what God brought you through will resonate and speak with someone you may not even know.  So I encourage you even though you feel your testimony may not be something that is dramatic, In fact it may be something simple, but know God will use it to expand His Kingdom


Written By Luz Martinez


Hello Unknown


The Season Of Change