Hello Unknown

You may be wondering, why the title "Hello Unknown.”  Who wants to welcome a challenging situation? I certainly do not, but I am sure that I will not face it alone. So, I embrace it with open arms. Many of us are or will soon be entering a period of uncertainty. How do you know if you are in one? That is a valid question. Look at your life now. Are you dealing with the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, relocating to a new country, or facing a tough decision without a clear answer? These are all uncharted territories for you. Yes, others may have faced similar situations, but this is your unique unknown. 

  Let me share a personal journey into the unknown. God had placed in my heart to go back to school, but I did not know how I would go about it. In 2022 God kept pressing on my heart to go back to school. I felt such urgency and pull from him. I was afraid to apply because I did not know how I would pay for it. But God kept pressing until I finally could not control the anxiousness that kept creeping up on me. Finally, I took the step of faith and applied to Lee University. I knew that this was the right school for me, but I was holding myself back due to the uncertainties of how I could afford it. All God wanted was for me to take that step and he would take care of the rest. I had to depend on God, not just spiritually, but financially. It was not easy. Affording schooling seemed impossible with three amazing children and a tight family budget. But God reminded me He called me to this unknown. God brought to memory Philippians 4:19, which says “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” I had to put on my belt of truth and hold on tight, relying on His truth to guide me on this unfamiliar path. I can tell you that he has provided for me. My bills are paid, my school dues are paid, and he keeps providing for my family as I walk this road.  

  As the year ends, I reflect on the changes the Lord has brought to my life and family. You have felt it too—like God is shaking the very foundations of your home. He is preparing us for something, but we do not know exactly what. Hence, the phrase "Hello Unknown." All we know is that we need to get ready. Going back to school is my way to get prepared for what is to come.  

  The year 2024 will bring unexpected challenges, and as humans, we often wish we could prepare for what lies ahead. However, with God, we do not have that luxury. He calls us to focus on Him and let go of the reins. Trust Him to lead us in the right direction. The key is to keep your attention on Him and spend time in prayer so that when He speaks, you will hear His voice guiding you. This reminds me of the story in Matthew 14:22-33, Peter stepping out of the boat. When we read this story, Jesus told his disciples to get on the boat and head to the other side. A storm came from nowhere and started to shake the boat. God was shaking their foundation. Jesus came to them walking on the water, but they did not recognize him. He was right there in the middle of the storm. This lets me know that whatever is going on right now, in the middle of my unknown, God is there. He may not show up how I am used to recognizing him, but he is still there. 

Peter finally recognized Jesus, and in the middle of the storm, asked if it was him, to call him to walk on the water. Jesus gave him the command and said “Come.” What a powerful command! Think about it, in the middle of your storm, God is calling you out! He is saying “It is me; you don't recognize me because I am teaching you something new.” In John 10:27, it says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Take a moment to let that word sink in. Did you catch it? “Listen.” It is right there at the beginning: “My sheep listen!” If we are too preoccupied with worldly matters, we might miss what God is trying to convey. Like Peter, he followed God’s command and stepped out, but once he focused on the storm around him, he started to sink. However, Jesus did not let him drown, he stretched out his hand and saved him.  

  When we confront new and challenging situations, it is normal to feel lost or overwhelmed. So, how do we tackle these uncertainties? The answer is to let God lead the way. As Psalm 32:8 puts it, "I will guide you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." Trusting in your faith and seeking God's guidance will provide strength and comfort in these moments. While seeking advice from others, especially those who have been in your shoes, can be helpful, remember that your ultimate answers and direction should come from God. He knows the unique path meant for you and will provide the guidance and peace you need to navigate any unknown in your life. 

  Welcome the unknown He has for you. Do not fear it. If God calls you on a new path, rest assured He walks with you. Matthew 28:20 says, “…I am with you always.” No matter the circumstance, God is with you. So, say it with me, “Hello Unknown.” 


Written by Damaris Smith


Catch Me If You Can Pt.1


The Way You Were