Not By Sight

When you get to a crossroad in your life, where to go, what to do or when to take action. God says (not by sight) 2 Corinthians 5:7. Not by sight comes with trust and peace knowing that when we surrender to His will the outcome will be perfect, easier said than done, right? Well we as a people of God are stubborn and He knows it.

Should I go to College? Should I get married now? Should I persue Ministry? How to start begins with your first step. Which one? You ask, well the perfect answer is PRAYER. It should always start with prayer. You see before that moment when your standing at that crossroad God has already put things in order. Point 1, point 2, point 3 and so on and we just have to trust in Him who has drawn the road in which we are to go.

When we first became a Christian we are taught that prayer is the connecting lifeline between us and our God, it's the keys that opens the heavens to pour out the blessing.

You get married but you don't know how is going to go. It takes time of fellowship, relationships and intimacy.

We get to know this person in a deeper and personal way. When children come there is a different season in your marriage. Raising children to love and fear God. (Fear meaning respect here.) Then the empty nest season come and it causes changes and you look back and say WE DID GOOD. Our relationship with God is like this marriage, your first love, you want to learn more and the more you spend time together ( prayer) you fall in love more, developing a strong relationship and a bond that you learn to treasure. Then the children come.

Second season. These are the people you surround yourself with and that motherly feeling kick in. Connections made with friends become a bond and God shows you their needs and you start interceeding (praying) for them. This group of young girls gathered in a small group and the hunger to lead them fills you heart. Follow His lead and you will see. He says NOT BY SIGHT. It's what you don't see that has the power to change lives. The joy in your heart is overflowing as you see the fruit of your work and knowing that God has made miracles, answered prayers because of the seed of God's love you planted. Just like you did with your children. We pour ourselves out time and time again without resining

Knowing that they will have that same joy and want to share with others the love you poured out to them and as they develop friendships and relationships they can be filled with that same joy and passion for God and do the same. The beauty is that it continues as we bring others to the Lord. IF YOU REACH ONE.

Now you come to the season many regret. The empty nest. But not really,
God uses every season of our life with a purpose, He first trained his disciple, gives the tools for all the tasks that were ordained since before your first breath. Wow, that is a lot working and organizing just so you can do His work when the time comes. Ministry is a desired thing for some but not many want to pay the price for it. When your at that crossroad don't think that you will ever be alone in this walk. Trials will come, disagreements, disappointments, but be of good courage for I have concurred the world. So now live life not by sight because He who causes the crossroads in your life will walk with you always.

Experience the beauty of living not by sight, find a good quiet outside space, a park, the woods, the beach, go stand alone close your eyes and listen to your surroundings. Find the peace in that moment, and say NOT BY SIGHT. The peace that you experience is where God wants you to be in any situation in your life no matter what you see. The seed planted must die to be reborn and it starts with us. We must be willing to die to self to be reborn of the Spirit and that will cause the light of God to Glow for others to see and desire it. Prayer takes us to a level no man could ever take us and that's why that relationship needs to be developed so that we can do and be who He wants us to be.

Think back and reflect in your life and how God orchestrated every aspect of it and thank God because the vessel He calls He equips for His Glory.

So what season of life are you in?


Set Apart: Elected. Endorsed. Selected


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