Set Apart: Elected. Endorsed. Selected

Psalms 4:3

"Know that the Lord has set apart the faithful for himself; the Lord will hear when I call Him"

It's a great feeling when someone gives you a word of knowledge. You have been set apart. But what does that really mean?

We are community people. We enjoy being in the company of others in the church, family gatherings, bible study groups. This is how we grow but when that word comes, it comes with a price. I was always told that ministry is a lonely walk and I didn't understand why. I went to church most of my life, when I married I took my children to church but always felt isolated. My home life was one and my church life was another. Always thought this was not supposed to be that way. As time went by I noticed I didn't fit in and kept asking the Lord WHY then I understood. When God calls you to be set apart, separate is only because He wants your undivided attention. So I started seeking His word and who else He had called out to be set apart in the bible. 

2 Corinthians 6:17

We live in a broken world that has given its back on the principles and the righteousness that He requires. And in order to do greater things for the Kingdom, we all must be set apart from the world. 

Moses stood in front of a burning bush but never asked why did this bush was not consumed. Isaac fought with the angel until dawn but never asked where did the angel come from. Jeremiah was called the preaching prophet bringing out the sins of Israel. But first, they had to be set apart so that God can work in their lives so they can be effective in the task. We too, you, I am called to separate so that God can do the work that needs to get done in our lives and prepare us for the task at hand in this time of our lives. 


1 Peter 1:16

"because it is written, be holy, for I am holy."

That day when you were set apart you probably didn't even think of what it meant. We walk alone and it doesn't mean, no friends, no fellowship it means there is a change in you that only God understands. Our intimacy with God becomes a training class and the teacher will not miss a day of work. The prayer time becomes more intense, more focused as you open your heart to receive what God has for you. But we must have the Moses spirit, the fierceness of Isaac, and the passion of Jeremiah to not ask when we don't understand what we see or not be afraid to fight in prayer till dawn and most of all to be bold like Jeremiah and have the confidence to speak when God wants to give a word. 

You have been called for a time as this! I have seen God work in my surroundings many times when I set myself apart in fast and prayer. God reveals himself in secret to a current situation in someone's life and they know it's God when I speak it out because only they knew of such a situation. Praise God He is faithful and true to see us through any situation victoriously. But that only comes when we accept the call to be set apart. We are called to be different, be Holy, be a clean and righteous vessel. 

Romans 12:1-2 gives us an idea of how to achieve that which is demanded from all who call themselves Christians. When you first become a Christian there is a supernatural desire that is born in us to please our father. The seal of the Holy Spirit is placed on us as a brand that others can see. How genuine that seal is, the key to opening the heavens that is so powerful that changes everything in our surroundings. That is what a set-apart life means, and some take many years to understand it. We are the flood He is the water that flows. Let Him overflow through you.


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Not By Sight