
We come to the Lord broken from life's trials but know He is our restorer. He is our El Shadai, our sustainer in every situation. So when you feel empty and unworthy, remember Luke 9:23-24

To be His disciples, we must deny ourselves and carry the cross, whatever it may be. Think of a jar with broken glass pieces glued to it. At first glance, this vase is beautiful but think of how the glass shattered.

Glass is fragile in nature, and everyone has them in rooms (bathrooms, bedrooms, in face powder compactors). Why? Because we must ensure we look good, we're proper and presentable to go outside. Our Christian walk should be the same, but that's not what I'm referring to with this. You see, life throws things at us to try and break us.

John 10:10 says. " The thief only comes to steal, destroy," but God is giving us a promise " But I (Christ) have come that they (us) may have life and have it to the fullest."

Every piece of our life is a symbol that brings the beauty others will see. Will it be easy? Absolutely not, but with Christ, all things are possible. We all use this verse, but the process is essential and necessary, for the kingdom is not for the weak, and only the strong are willing to fight for it.

Returning to the shattered glass, a mirror is used to see your reflection, and the enemy wants to distort what you see. Because if you can't see yourself, you will not be able to see Christ in you, who you are in Him. We live in a troubled world, and God uses all our trials to create a beautiful version of you.

This world wants to get us wrapped up in work, the stress of family issues, troubled finances, and self-worthiness. But the goal is to seek God's kingdom first. El Elyion, "There should not be other Gods beside me" God's position in our lives is important. He gave the Holy Spirit as our compass. This means the YOU in you must diminish so Christ can be seen through you.

There must be a willingness that surpasses our desires and wants for this to happen. Becoming who God wants you to be take sacrifice, humility, and the desire to become who He wants you to be in Him. Ester comes to mind. Things happened in her life that changed her to the point she would give her life. She would see the King, and if she dies, she dies. That was total conviction.

Where are you today in your conviction for Christ? Don't allow the scapes and cuts of life to break you to the point of no return. Remember your reflection. See who God wants you to be, not what the world wants you to believe you are. Remember, Adonai, your Master, God fights for you, but you must be willing to fight the battle.

In the end, there will be a vessel with many broken pieces perfectly positioned on the jar. Reminding others that it was all worth it. Because now you reflect the light of Christ to all who see you. Jehovah Nissi, He is my refuge. Know that in this transformation He walks alongside you and will cry with you and will have joy with you. He will reveal Himself in your every piece of glass so carefully put together.

He is your Jehovah Rapha, healing every wound. The physical and the spiritual.

Jeremiah 30:17

" Oh Lord, I can't continue with this situation. Help me move forward, help me get through this" Is this your prayer? Every moment spent praying defines your need for Him, which should always be the attitude. Putting all our burdens at the foot of the cross allows Him to work through them. When we come to Him in humility. I don't get tired of saying humility.

Because no matter our position, humility should be first.

Who He wants to do in and through you is a reminder that in the moments when one or two pieces of glass come crashing down, remember to always look at the beauty of who you will be.

We are but just a vessel He uses for His Glory and understanding that He is also our Jehovah Shammah The Lord is there. ALWAYS in our sorrow and joy to give us the peace and assurance that we do not walk alone. Weather in the darkest valleys of your life, He will make you lie down in green pastures. Refreshing our souls.

Psalm 23


Luz Martinez


Proclaiming In Your Suffering


Faith Over Fear