Proclaiming In Your Suffering

"For I consider that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18

 Are you going to trust the Lord in your suffering? Are you going to trust the Lord when you're sinking your desert? Think about it. Suffering is a part of our Christian walk. Its purpose in it is growth. It's up to us to take it and learn. Not willow it in. That's spiritual death.

 We must remember that suffering is temporary, even when we see no end. But out of suffering comes the Glory of God. It's why we must proclaim in and through it.

 "Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered" Romans 8:26

 Sometimes we get to a point in our hardships when we become so overwhelmed our words fail. Feeling there is nothing left to give. Read that again. When we "feel," there is nothing left. The word feel should be a word no believer should say. Why? Because it's carnal, the flesh. It's all about how you feel. The world tells us to live our lives based on our feelings and do what makes us feel good. We need to remember that emotions are just that.

 God created us to have emotions. It's one of the critical foundations for us to sense when the Spirit is near. But it is one that we need to continuously evaluate, especially women. But why? Because we were created to be emotional creatures. If we left our emotions unchecked, we would only sense our feelings and thoughts. What a dangerous place to find yourself to be.

 So what happens when our suffering is prolonged?

"Let us, therefore, come to boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the times of need." Hebrews 4:16

 Like I said before. We will all come to a place where words will fail us. And it's where God wants you to get to—a position where our flesh can no longer dictate our direction and directions and come to the Father. Tell Him, "I don't want to fight this. Show me which steps to take and what to say (if we are to speak). The Lord does the most work in you.

 I encountered a very humble and God-fearing woman who told me, "It's good to have a plan, but we must understand God is the one who has the final say." Yes, have a plan but also understand that God can and will intervene to correct or completely change your path entirely.

 So proclaim in your suffering, proclaim the goodness of God. Go to your secret place, cry, let it out, and don't hold back. In the mists of it all, God is changing something in you. Something you may not see then, but when you finally come out of the purifying flames and look back. A part of your old self was eradicated and replaced with something far more remarkable than you ever would have thought. It prepared you for transition. A new path that Father has equipped you for.

 So proclaim knowing that no matter how long of a desert you find yourself in, you will have a deeper understanding and a more solid foundation of faith.

 One last thing to remember, you are never alone. God will always send others who know nothing of what is happening to speak over you, pray for you, and cry with you.


Luz Irizarry


Dear Mothers, From Your Village

