The Masterpiece

Ephesians 2:10
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

One day you realized something was missing in your life; you needed purpose; it was so deep you felt lost. You cried out! God, if you're there, show me what to do. Life can take you to those dark moments when the emptiness wants to overtake you, overpower you. But then, inside your heart, a glimpse of light and clarity comes, and you discover that road in front of you, and you didn't see it because that feeling of emptiness was always there like your shadow you can't get away from.

We must search within ourselves for the path that God has already designed for us. Where the joy comes in the morning, and His peace abounds. That day your purpose is born, and like a parent that holds their child for the first time, God is ready to embrace you, to say come, and I will make you a fisher of men. Who can battle with the flesh? We can; we have all the tools needed, and as we say YES, that journey begins. We become the vessel ready to be used, to be poured out.

“A test comes, the test of times and trials
But Lord, this is too hard, you say. He says
My grace is sufficient for you.”
2 Corinthians 12:9

No matter where God takes us, He can lead, rescue, and redirect us in the way He wants us to go. The road is long, dry, and lonely, but the master only sees who you will become when He's done. 
There will be stone, deserts, flowers, water, drought, and there will also be the plentifulness of God. Go, don’t wait here. Someone is waiting for that word of peace, for that prayer of healing, for that promise of hope, for that deliverance of their hurting soul. 

You see, this is what we are called for,
Bring hope because He gave us hope. To profess the kingdom's love given at the cross, run someone is waiting to listen to the words so they can sour. We are the salt of the earth, the light in the dark; you and I are the answer to someone’s desperate prayer. We are called the Prophet, the voice of God. A small voice sounds like thunder, but we are just the vessel, don't be afraid. 

One day you will look back and see the grace given was worth more than any treasure the world can provide.

We do not walk alone; He promised to be with us always. 

“teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen
Matthew 28:20



Spiritual Sensitivity


God’s Peace