Luz Martinez

It was New York, 1977, when I gave my heart to the Lord at 17 years old, this was very new to me and when I stepped into the church, there I was offered the gift of Salvation. Not knowing what that meant I felt prompted to go forward and this is where my journey began. That same year, my Parents decided to move to Puerto Rico. I didn’t know anyone and asked myself, how do I find a church. After some time, I found and started attending a small church and it was there when I saw the Spirit of God move. I ask Him, oh Lord how I would love to have that, not knowing what it really was. 

 Time spent praying paid off and eventually I was baptized in water and the Holy Spirit. So here I am in a new town, with new people and still I felt alone since no one around me shared the same faith, but I kept walking in Faith. Two years later I met who is now my husband of 40 years, we married after just knowing each other for six Months and God bless my union with 3 beautiful children. Married life began to get hard for us as a family so we decided to move back to the US and chose to live in Newark, NJ, where my husband grew up. 

 Again, I found myself in a place without a church, but I searched and found Rock of Salvation. There I learned to service God and trust Him for all my needs. Still my husband not serving God since we got married, I started praying for Salvation for him. Eleven years after we married, my church had an event and invited any member that wanted to renew their marital vows could participate, so we did and that's how our last Daughter was born. Years went by and we contemplated moving to Florida, so I started praying for God's will. Two years went by with no answer and kept telling my husband, "Unless God says I'm not going," and God honored my trust in Him. 

 My husband came to Florida in June of 1992 and within two weeks he had a job, an apartment, extra money to move his family and his new Employer gave him two weeks to make the move. After we settled in, I started looking for a church again and found a small Spanish church. There I grew closer to God but felt a need to move forward, through all changes I kept my faith that God would direct my steps.

 Trials with my now youth children made me cling to the Lord for Strength even more, He held me and assured me everything would be ok. Gods promises were my stronghold through the trials with my two oldest children. Through everything I felt my Faith grow stronger and stronger, being molded in a way that I would remember ever step that would take me where God wanted me to be. During this time, I discovered a girl’s program called Missionettes and started teaching young girls about Godly living and finally found my passion. Seven years later I knew without a doubt, Teaching was my calling. But still the field was not ripe for the harvest, so I trained in the field and my passion grew even more. Family life was always a challenge, but I did not grow weak, I kept moving forward. One day I found myself lost in my thoughts and I was hungry for a deeper knowledge, so I prayed for direction to find another church. 

 Five years went by and I felt draggy and stagnant and In those 5 years, my nieces said to me, "why don't we start a bible study?"  I was apprehensive but with Gods help I put one together and we started meeting once a Month. The time was not right, and it fell apart, so I prayed and stayed positive but soon the emptiness came back. Sometime later my nieces said again, " let’s start the bible study again," so this time I prayed, "Lord if this is what you want, I want you to give me the theme of the study and I wanted to be a WOW Study. I want to touch lives not just do a simple study" and this is when God gave me JARS OF CLAY. This study was very impacting to us in the way I asked God for. We have been meeting since then with different themes and God has been faithful to provide every material for them. 

 In the meantime, I was still seeking a church for fellowship, knowing the importance of that, I kept looking. One day, my grandson received an invitation to a church for an open gym basketball day. When it finished, he called me to pick him up. When arrived, I felt that there was something about the front of the church that stayed with me. Still praying for direction, one night I dreamed that I was standing in front of a church that had a large wall with bricks, I said to myself that I need to be there, then woke up and forgot about it. Months later my grandson was invited again to the same church, but this time it was a Christian concert. When I picked him up, I went into the parking lot through a different entrance and there is when I stood in front of a large brick wall and instantly knew this is where I need to be, thank God. I started going to Sanctuary Church and have been there since January of 2017. Today I can say I am where God wants me to be whole heartedly. So many things have happened, I'm a volunteer in the women's ministry called Refuge and other areas of service, I will not stop serving my church, my community and my family. In 2019 God opened a door for me to go to Haiti in a Missions trip and that broke me seeing the need of these people, this was a prophecy given to me in 1988. I vowed my vacations will be spent serving those in need in this little country.  God has brought me through this journey of 42 years and brought me to where I am today. I am eager to begin my new chapter; whatever God wants me todo I will say " Yes Lord send me"