Come Back To The Altar

"But Lord, I've served you all my life."

You see, it is not about the years you've been in church, the meals you've served in a food pantry, or even the frequency of church attendance. He has called you to come back to the altar every day.

'Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”' Matthew 11:28-30

We must come to the realization that seeking God is a daily regimen. Don't wait for trials to come back to the altar. Stay humble no matter where you are in your walk in Christ. Growing is a mandate, and God will use any circumstance to mold and shape you. All you have to do is trust and follow. Why do you think  he says in the word, "You must be like a child to enter the kingdom of God."

'and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. ' Matthew 18:3

Not because they are young and naive, it's the trust they have in their parent's word. If we believe in His sacrifice for us, there must be trust that he knows better. So you're going thru a situation right now, and you find this note written, well it's for you to come back to the alter and surrender it to him and ask, "what am I supposed to be learning from this Lord" or " help me understand the process of my growth." 

We are in school all the time, and we must pay attention to the teacher because later there will be a test. Why? You ask because there is a world out there that needs your strength to continue and understand their process. When a baby is born, they depend on their mom for everything, and as they grow and develop. They roll over. They learn to crawl, walk, talk, and so much more
Mom is excited that her baby is getting bigger. I use mom's as a description because I'm a mom, and I can remember all this, yeah, times 4. Imagine when God sees you developing slowly into what He wants you to become. He is our spiritual father and rejoices in the process, so don't be afraid to ask why this or that because the answers will come at the time you will understand.

I return to the altar daily because I've learned that these are recharging moments for me and not everyone has that opportunity. Whatever situation you would be going through, there is a special place where you can recharge, renew and re-enforce your walls of protection. Oh, you don't feel worthy? Don't worry. There will be water to wash you. Jesus said I am the living water. 

Where is the altar?  EVERYWHERE!
Where ever you choose, your bedroom, the patio, in the shower, in your car, and of course, in the church. We have a loving God, and he will bring what is best for us even when we don't see at the moment. It will not be easy, but the journey will be worth it.  Called and Sanctified comes at a price, but all the tools are ready and available for us to use. 

Believe today you are called and Sanctified for Ministry. Whether that be your home, outreach, teaching, or missions. There is a place for you in the kingdom.

'And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, ' Ephesians 4:11


The Little Things


The cracks on the armor