Don’t Hesitae

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"When the Lord calls, don't hesitate."

Growing up, I have heard this phrase more times than I can count. More so now, given the times we live in today. I have found myself using this phrase once or twice. But, I have come to a place where the Lord has called me, called me for something greater. 

It is time. I must not hesitate. I have heard the direction and with direction; also came fear from me. God has given me a task. With that came confirmation. But, fear has crept up. With that came doubt. 

People in the church teach about not questioning God. It's wrong. How can it be? We are all born into a sinful world. It is in our nature to ask questions, to know more. I don't say this to give an excuse, but to give a reason why. The Lord knows we will ask, but only the Lord will reveal to us the information in His timing. Yet, when He calls, we should not think twice. Why? 

When we are in the Word of God, we essentially tune our spiritual ears. Know His voice when He speaks. by this, we should have no room for fear or doubt. I have seen people who without, any hesitation, acted upon what the Lord gave them. I want to be there. Do you? We need to be willing to hear Him. As soon the word is spoken, move.

But, It is easier said than done. Everyone wants to be in the will of God, but a lot of times, when He instructs by way of a sermon or dream, we hesitate. Why? Being hesitant can be a good or bad thing. A good thing in a sense, that we are aware that our own emotions can play a role and hinder the quiet voice of the Lord. Also, a bad thing if we take too long in our questioning. There is a balance God requires us to have as believers. That balance is healthy and what keeps us aware and sensitive to hear His voice. The problem is, we sometimes can hear the enemy talking and not our Father. 

All our lives, we were taught, the enemy can come as an angel of light. It is what the Lord warns all believers. We must be vigilant. Immerse ourselves in His Truth and keep your spiritual ears clear and sensitive for instruction. It will allow us an advantage against the enemy. That way, when the Lord speaks, we know it's Him and can act upon His direction with Boldness.

I have to admit I'm bold when it comes to being behind a computer screen. But, When God calls me to step in front of someone or go in a direction I would never take, it is a challenge. I have come a long way in my walk with God. I have been obedient and have spoken words over people's life. I have learned to discern when God speaks, but this doesn't mean I should let my guard down. 

I tell you this not just for you to read but as an encouragement for those who know God has given you direction but are hesitant to move forward. Don't be afraid to ask God for confirmation. I promise you won't hurt His feelings. God tells us to ask and, He will never lead us astray. It's kind of like holding a contract. We know what's on it, know what will come of it, and tells of what we are because of it. But holding onto it, never signing it. It's one of the biggest problems within the church today. 

Everyone wants to call themselves a Christian. But never commit to the terms and conditions of what a Christian's responsibilities are. Because of this, we have a lot of spiritually empty churches. If you think about it, being a Christ-follower does require much sacrifice. It may not be death due to persecution. We are blessed to live in a free country. But, sacrificing goes hand in hand with being a believer. 

In closing, We must not hesitate when it comes to the work of the Lord. Yes, we must test the spirits and ask for confirmation. God will always answer. It is your choice to receive it or not. In the times we are living in, we must stay vigilant. Be prepared for spiritual battles, and when we hear His direction, we must not hesitate. Someone may have asked God for confirmation, and He is prompting you to give the endorsement. Whatever it may be, God will never leave His servant in shame. 


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