Be Still and Know

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“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10

When God tells you to be still, how easy is that? When you want to run but know that the stillness is necessary for your growth. The feeling of lack of movement or flow is creating a new direction, new territory for you, but you must wait for the clearing of the path. " Be still and know" starts with an acknowledgement YES LORD DO YOUR WILL. No matter what you see or feel never forget that God prepares every step you will take from the point of your surrender. Emotions will come and go but you can never take your eyes off the goal. HIS WILL. Hold on a little longer, just like when you bake you have to follow the instructions and make sure all ingredients have been added and at the end you will enjoy the fruit of your labor. "Climb and maintain" words I heard in a preaching and it stood out when the preacher gave a definition to it.
"Pray & worship" when you apply it that way it makes a lot of sense. We are called to pray about everything and worship when we feel down for any reason or even when everything is going good. When we pray we're asking God's instruction or intervention, when we worship Him we open our hearts wide so He can cleanse what's inside.

vulnerability is part of humility we must be willing to feel vulnerable before God and humility will make your life transparent for others to see.
Our fulfillment as Christians come from service, how we serve will reflect not us but who lives in us.

Galatians 2:20
" I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me"

Can it be more clearer than that? I think not. All in your life will be subjected to " be still" as He leads the way out of the valley to a better turaine. But how long Lord? Yes that question will surface a lot. He is the potter and we are the clay, He knows when perfection has been accomplished so we will pray and worship Him in morning and the evening. That's our job description so when God tells you " Be still" know really know that when the time comes to move forward you will be ready for the task at hand no matter what that task is. In the stillness of your wait sit at the feet of the Master and enjoy the word of God in all it's life changing and majesty it brings.

“Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,”
John 4:13

You know the story:
The samaritan women was vulnerable at the well and Jesus offered her the living water.
If we drink we will never thirst again.

This is how we walk in confidence knowing He supplies all our needs no matter how we feel, He is faithful.

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Daddy’s Girl