Damaris Smith

I was raised in a Christian home that gave me a foundation to start on. I had known about God but never really learned to have a relationship with God. I grew up in the old Pentecostal way, with long skirts and long hair. Growing up, I learned to fear God, but not in a good way. I feared a God that would condemn me for everything that I did. Even through my high school years, I tried to get close to God, and in my innocence of searching, I asked God to fill me with the Holy Spirit. At 16 yrs, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Even though God showed me little by little who he was, I never fully understood Who he was. He had called me into ministry but was afraid of what that meant. I did not have a strong foundation, and when you don't have a strong foundation when the enemy comes at you, the foundation starts to crumble.

During my teenage years, my life became a little complicated. The home that I was growing up in was not entirely happy. I was becoming depressed, no longer interested in going to church, and no one around me knew what was happening to me. My foundation had started crumbling, and I fell deep into the enemy's lies. I moved out when I was 18 yrs into my aunt's house in Florida. God knew that I needed a way out and a safe haven from that place. My aunt became my spiritual mother. She was patient and loving, and never once did she judge me for all the mistakes that I was making.

As I was living my life, I met my husband. We were both in the same place, just living our best life, trying to find ourselves in a world full of lies. But, I was still not happy and knew something was missing. We both had a foundation of who God is but did not take it seriously. My husband and I had our first child out of wedlock. I called her my gift from God. Because of her, I started to question my life and how I was living. I did not want her to be raised not knowing who God was. I knew He was real, and I knew He was waiting for me to return.

The stirring inside my heart had begun without me even realizing it. Little by little, I started changing on the inside. I told my husband that I wanted God to bless our children and us to have a foundation for knowing God. That’s when we both agreed that we would make our life right in the eyes of God. We were living in sin and knew that God would not bless a home in sin. In 2010 my husband and I had a small intimate wedding with only a few friends and family who were in on the secret. We eventually told the rest of the family, which was the beginning of God's new foundation for my family.

When we decided to follow God and invited Him into our hearts and home, he started showing us a better way to live. Little by little, God reminded me of his calling over my life. I thought that it was forgotten since I ran away from him, but God was only waiting for me so that he could fulfill what he had promised years ago. I now have three amazing children, a wonderful husband, and an amazing church that I call home, but most of all, I now have a real relationship with my heavenly father. My children are growing up in church. They're being stirred by the Holy Spirit and are seeking him the right way! My husband and I are helping our children build a strong foundation that the enemy cannot crumble.