When Changing Nothing, Changes Nothing

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" And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."  -1 Corinthians 13:2 

  As Christians we have been given gifts, there are many and one of them is prophecy. This grant is a special one and it is of the utmost importance that the person who prophesy's is not speaking out their own volition but from the knowledge of God, this is the same when a dream is appointed, whether a dream given to you or when an individual approaches you about a dream they have been given. It is NOT to be taken timidly. But how can we know that it is God who speaks through His vessel? The only conclusion is Discernment. This is one of the key pillars in our foundation we must obtain as followers of Jesus Christ. Another essential key is love. The gifts God has given us are for the expansion of the Kingdom not for the expansion of our own desires. Take prophecy, ponder on it, if we lack love, which is Gods first commandment, then we are nothing but vacant jars pouring out nothing. Therefore, a Word that's given will always come out of their own or your judiciousness rather than Gods. So, if you have understanding, knowledge and faith but have no love we are obsolete, the words we speak are nothing and will cause corruption if the recipient lacks discernment. It will bring them down a path not meant to be taken.

We can have all the faith, but without love we are invalid, we are useless to God and nothing will come of it. But if we hold Love, we then value all that He has given, spoken and made known to us. We cherish the moments when we get immersed in His presents and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us. Its because of Love, we have a place prepared for us. This is the beauty of Christianity. 

 What happens when we are the recipient of a prophetic word?

How do you take it in?

How do you apply it to your life? And most of all, how do we make a change when it is called for?

 So, what happens if we change nothing?

  When you became a Christian, did you only speak the sinner's prayer and nothing else, no. Change must happen in order to live a Godly life. For some, the change happens overnight and for others it happens gradually. This is one and the same with a Word given from God. If we change nothing, then nothing changes. We must be able to reorientate; this is how we grow; how we allow God to mold us. If we love, then we let our life to be directed by God, bringing change when it is called for. If He brings awareness that something needs to be removed and you make no commitment to alter or remove it. This brings hindrance, God can't use you unless whatever needs to be removed is disconnected. It may bring discomfort, which is one of the dominate reasons why people won't make the change, but it must be done.

  So, when a Word is spoken over your life, is it a call to change, a call of confirmation or a call for growth? It is all in one. When God speaks a confirmation, it is also a call for change and with that change comes growth. This must not be taken lightly, why? Because two things must happen when it is spoken. Permit the Holy Spirit to show you it's from God and make the necessary changes that He is asking of you. If it's a confirmation, then the alteration is to have faith because you hold love; love for God. 

If no change is done, how can you grow? Think of a seed, once planted you simply don't walk away, it needs water in the fresh soil in order for it to cultivate(change). If no water is given then the plant will never break ground and flourish bringing many changes throughout its lifecycle, thus producing fruit and more seeds. By depositing water, the change will happen, but it's a process, you cannot just plant a seed and expect it to skip the growth process to produce the fruit. It must grow to a level of maturity to bring forth fruit. We must continue to water (the word of God) and bring change (help the plant grow). Water can be given by other vessels, again this is when discernment plays a role. Someone can pour out tainted water that will hinder the plants growth. It may look and tasted like water, but nothing will come of it when in the soil. We must know who is pouring out the water God or man. 

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This is a perfect example on how you receive a prophetic word. If you recognize that it is from God, but never let your soul truly absorb it, no change will happen if no change is given.  It can be something that you have inquired God for, confirmation, direction or a promise that was once given long ago bringing new life. But without love, The Words spoken do nothing. We may say we have faith but without love it is empty. 

Why love? 

  Why if we don't have it, change cannot occur? The definition of love is, "an affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests." Since we know God is Love and He calls us to love is because of our relationship with Him. Look at a marriage, we must have a constant line of communication, thus this will help us move as one. When He speaks, we listen because of love for Him and have a common interest which is bringing others to Christ to experience the same love you do. Out of that Love when you hear from Him, you make the necessary changes so you may grow and be more like Christ. By being Christlike and heading to His words we can be used by God for His purpose. When we receive a Word from Him, by dream or prophecy we know we need to make the adjustment so what was promised can manifest. When we hear Him pledge a confirmation, we know that change is coming and must make a change of faith to bring growth. Without love we lack faith and without faith we are insufficient with love and without love we are nothing. 

 "He who does not love does not know God, For God is love." -1 John 4:8 

 When we make the change

 "He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light swells with Him." -Daniel 2:22

   Change, to make a shift from one to another. Change accurse out of love. When we love, we allow God to reveal his mysteries. And when He speaks; not if He speaks, we can make those changes because making a change is making a shift from one to another. Moving in a direction God wants you to be so you can burst forth into what God has called you to be. It is so easy to just let it be and do nothing to bring change. Jesus said that we will have troubles in our lives, whether it was sent from God or send by the enemy, sometimes God allows the enemy to attack. This is also part of His plan; to bring change and growth. But If we let the enemy run ramped and make no stand agent satan then we fail. We must have Love for God, that will allow us to take notice to is direction and make the necessary changes to become more like Him and expand the kingdom. By bringing change we can become more aware to know when a word that is given is from God or from an empty vessel. 

  so, if you change nothing, then nothing changes but at the same time everything changes, it changes the direction of your life. By not bringing change, you deter from the course God has ordained for you which will bring unnecessary trials. Without the love for God, you won't listen to His call. You will become empty and void. You must let go and love, have faith and make a change because change brings growth and growth increases your faith and by faith, we increase our love. 

 "Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us and offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet spelling aroma.” -Ephesians 5:1-2



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