Why Me?

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We are like a rock, and life is the water that shapes us, why you ask? God has big plans for you and me, but we must trust that in the end a unique stone is created, and everyone wants to acquire it.

Think of a scene at the beach shore, looking out you see a bed of rocks aligned with the water, and the waves are constantly rushing and splashing on the rocks. What a beautiful scenario don’t you think? Well, what if I tell you our lives are like those rocks constantly being hit by the water; we are called for a purpose and when we are enduring trials in our lives, we are experiencing the water hitting us, several things are happening. One we are being cleansed with every brush of wave that goes by. Second, we are being marked as an owner identifies its property. God brings suffering into our lives like the waves that touch the rocks on the beach shore. Once there was a rock and it had no beauty or special features but as time went by it started changing. The rock was no longer smooth and properly shaped.

Who you are and who you will become depends on how you see life’s trials. Ask yourself, “What is the lesson to be learned or what is being removed from my life”. Then Follow the flow, ask God to show you, to guide you and He is faithful to be with you even when you do not feel Him near. The water can be the rebellious child, the mother-in-law, the incomprehensible spouse, know that for every situation there is a solution, and it is in the word of God. Rest assured if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

There is a kingdom calling and we are part of it, therefore, we must go through trials. So when going through something we must acknowledge that is a learning process we face and it is important that we are ready at all and any time. For what, you ask? We all have different tasks that have been assigned to us by God and all were instilled before birth. He knows you before you were in your mother’s womb. He already wrote the book signed it and sent it to print. The life we live, how we live it depends on us. Rejoice or sorrow, discontent or happy. Remember when you were at your worse and He provided a solution, or when there was a plea for help and His answer was BE STILL AND KNOW. The answer might have not been the one you were seeking but in the end, you understood why.

A servant’s heart is being born and with every step we take, there will be marks that will make us unique.

We are a separate people called to be the light of the world, the salt of the earth and there is a process to each part. The salt will savor the earth with God’s love, the light will bring hope and splendor and in doing so defeating darkness. You must understand that you are the lantern that will light up the path for others to seek God in their own life’s and that is a very, very important task. Think of a lighthouse on a small island and its job is to let the ships know there are rocks or danger or change course because their direction is not favorable.

When we embrace this call, we will find joy in everything we do no matter what the circumstances we are facing. If God is with us, who can be against us? Promises after promises are ours for the taking and He is faithful to complete the task He has started in you.

A servant’s heart is being born and with every step, we take there will be marks that will make us unique..png

You are unique not because of the parents you had or the riches that you might have enjoyed, but because God has called you to be part of His kingdom and a seed sower (the word of God). No matter where in life you might find yourself now. Embracing the changes that the water hitting the rocks will bring forth. A teacher, counselor, Missionary, Pastor, Evangelist. Know that the tools for that task are already in the making. Rejoice in Him always.


You’ve Been Faith Called

